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Grabhorn Fellowship

by Ashley on August 14th, 2010

The Grabhorn Fellowship is a week-long study of the history of book arts in the United States and the current operations at the Arion Press, M & H Type, and the Grabhorn Institute in San Francisco. In conjunction with the College Book Arts Association, Arion Press and the Grabhorn Institute invited 15 current and recent-graduates of various book arts programs from across the country to study under Andrew Hoyem and his staff while living in the Barracks at the Presidio—a mire 20-minute walk from the Golden Gate Bridge.

Although we didn’t have much time for sightseeing (thank God I had already been to San Francisco once before; otherwise, I would have been a bit disappointed), we all learned a great deal about historic and modern-day letterpress printing and were constantly inspired by the work of well-established artists, as well as by each other. It’s hard to believe all that went on over the course of one week, but these photos provide a pretty good taste of all that occurred.

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